I am a qualified Body Control Pilates teacher. There are a number of different training providers that allows people to become pilates teachers and I chose Body Control as it's an internationally recognised provider that is influential and has a fantastic body of teachers to learn from. I also love the continued professional development that they demand of their members to make sure that we are all kept up to date on the latest health and fitness news and so that our techniques and teaching practices are current.
I've been taught by global pilates legends, including Lynn Robinson who is widely known as the Queen of Pilates. Lynn is lovely and still very involved in helping students and teachers grow in their profession. She's written loads of books, which have found their way into my home, and she has a big celebrity following. The course itself covered the classical elements of pilates through to adaptations of moves to ensure we can teach safely and fluidly. I've also had to undertake anatomy and physiology exams, fitness principles exams plus I've written essays on stability and mobility and written various draft class plans and workbooks. It's a comprehensive course that prepares you to work successfully, safely and in an engaging and fulfilling way.
Body Control Pilates is remarkably effective – and medically-approved. Central to the Method is ‘awareness of your own body’ and each and every exercise is built around its eight basic principles:
Flowing Movements
By working on the deep architectural structure of the body, ‘core stability’ is achieved, and then maintained, through increasingly complex movement sequences. Specific problem areas can be targeted by an exercise, but always in relation to the rest of one’s body.
Your body awareness is heightened by bringing together mind and body – Body Control Pilates literally teaches you to be in control of your body, allowing you to handle stress more effectively and achieve relaxation more easily.
The Body Control Pilates Method can work for everyone, regardless of fitness level! Matwork exercises need no special equipment and are particularly safe for those with back problems (and don’t forget that 95% of the UK population has, or has had, backache).
Its consistent success rate in solving such problems has brought it to the attention of doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors, physiotherapists and homoeopathic doctors.
So, if you are looking for a pilates teacher, do check out who someone's trained with and see whether that person's going to be for you. If you are keen to go down the BCP route, find your local teacher here
